Pink October 2023

Wednesday, 15th November 2023

Across our HiQ network, we take the time during Pink October to spread awareness and raise money to support the incredible change this charity enables.

2023 was no different and we were able to raise almost £4000, contributing to our total of over £138,000. We are so excited to get closer and closer to our impressive target of £150,000.

Friday 20th October was the National Wear It Pink day and our centres showed their support by wearing pink and spreading awareness for the people whose lives are impacted by breast cancer.

Likewise, the HiQ social channels turned pink throughout the duration of October to exhibit our support for the charity and to showcase the resources available for the public.

At HiQ Towers, all departments joined together by wearing pink and entering our annual Pink October Raffle.

Some of our HiQ family also attended the NTDA (National Tyre Distribution Association) Awards in late October and took the opportunity to wear the Breast Cancer Now ribbon to also spread awareness.

To read more about what our team are doing to support Breast Cancer Now, check out our Project Pink page!

We are delighted to be getting closer to our huge target and look forward to supporting this inspirational charity for years to come.

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